Why the Danish design heritage forever inspires...
...and why we love it
The Danish design heritage is associated with proud traditions and stories. The process of form and creating unique design is dynamic and can be extended, designed and re-designed forever. Classic and durable design objects have a long life time and they are often seen passed on through generations. Classic Danish design is characterized by its recognisability and quality in other words: Design that lasts!
The design philosophy and the items of OYOY LIVING are strongly inspired by the Danish design heritage and the traditions associated with Danish quality, craftsmanship and tradition. These are the values we want to base our designs on, and our brand’s name is a symbol of this:
The OYOY Living Design name is inspired by the OY letters, which since 1929 have been the signature on all Danish airplanes. Regardless of where in the world the planes may be located, the sense of belonging to Denmark is significant. At OYOY Living Design we are also proud of our roots and the letters OY are to indicate our Danish heritage – in other words; DESIGNED IN DENMARK FOR THE WORLD.
The autumn / winter 2019 collection contains unique items for the home and for the children. The joy of creating and presenting news is a recurring event and an important part of OYOY Living Design’s DNA.
In order to pay tribute to ”being Danish” in the presentation of the collection, the surroundings for the photoshoot of the AW2019 collection are the Danish West Coast. The beautiful West Coast stretches from Skagen in the North to Rudbøl in the South and is like the Danish design heritage a cornerstone of the Danish culture.
The OYOY house on the Danish West Coast is a standing proof that Danish design has a long-lasting life. The architecture and the choice of materials have been carefully chosen for the house back in the 1970’s, and the house is remaining almost in its original and timeless expression after four decades. The design of the house is simply timeless, meanwhile new constructions of today will be seeking inspiration in both styles, the use of materials and the architecture.
It’s the same mindset OYOY Living Design wants to symbolize with the products designed in the OYOY LIVING and OYOY MINI design lines - products with a classic, timeless and stylish design. The inspiration is taken from the classic Scandinavian designs - added a touch of simplicity, as well as a twist of Japanese design - with a passion for sustainable and high-quality materials in combination with alluring color combinations.
In a feminine and playful universe, OYOY Living Design creates quality products with focus on design, function, colors and exquisite materials.